Legal recruitment across all sectors of law


Origin Legal Interviews Bexley Beaumont.
“Breaking the Glass Ceiling” … What ceiling? Clare Travers spoke with Anna Beaumont and Karen Bexley...
Riding the recruitment rollercoaster
One day this will all be history. Law firms should prepare now to win the (inevitable) forthcoming ‘war...
Planning Recruitment update April 2020
To quote the late Douglas Adams “Don’t Panic”.  While recruitment in the planning sector has slowed down,...
Abstract-image-of-looking-up-at-modern-glass-and-concrete-building (1)
The do’s and don’ts when attending a virtual interview
With the Government’s current orders to self-isolate and work from home where possible you may think...
How is the Covid 19 pandemic affecting the international legal market?
A few people have been in touch this week to ask how current events are impacting on our efforts to help...
Origin Legal interview Nigel Clark from Nexa Law
Nigel what an amazing journey you’ve had in Law both in the UK and internationally. Could you tell us...
Keep calm, we're here to help
In the chaos that’s unfolding around all of us at the moment, we want both our candidates and clients...
Big Ben
Meet Rosie
We are pleased to introduce you to our newest little recruit, Rosie! Charlotte Hooper, who looks after...
Women In Law
International women’s day is coming up, A day where people across the world celebrate women’s empowerment....
Last week we sat down with Terence Ritchie. Terence is a leading Real Estate partner who has joined EMW...
Scotland, land of the brave
*Cheers Scotland*  #YouRock In the words of Billy Connolly “There are two seasons in Scotland:...
Origin Legal interviews Matt Bolton from Knights PLC
Earlier this week we sat down with Matt Bolton. Matt is a corporate lawyer at Knights plc based in their...
Planning law hires and transfers
The January transfer market 2019 was another busy year for moves in the planning sector.  It is always...
Guide for 2020 Newly Qualified Solicitors
Are you a trainee solicitor qualifying in 2020? If the answer is yes, then this is a valuable guide –...
"If I move to an offshore law firm, will I be able to come back?"​
It is the question we get asked most consistently by people considering legal jobs offshore. The answer...
I’m an English Solicitor - can you help me to find a role in the USA?
This is a tricky one. It’s not impossible but neither are the odds in your favour. For most, it’s a notoriously...
A move to the Channel Islands: FAQs What is the work like?
When speaking to trainee solicitors considering a move on qualification, we are often asked the same...
Aerial view of London and the River Thames
Explore the new Origin Legal website…
We’re proud to bring you our all-new website designed with you, the user, in mind.  The refreshed and...
Aerial view of London and the River Thames
2020 NQ's - Your timeline for securing an international role
If you are considering an overseas move when you qualify, it pays to do a bit of preparation in advance....
East Anglian Air Ambulance
Origin Legal would like to offer our best wishes in support of David Beeton and his team this weekend....
Real Estate Planning
Real Estate Planning Law Recruitment Update
Is the future for Planning Law Regional? I was speaking to the head of a planning team about market trends...
Girls football is growing at an incredible pace
Girls football is growing at an incredible pace
We have always been keen to help local youth sports groups by volunteering time or assisting with funding...
Birketts’ Race4Business
Birketts’ Race4Business
On Wednesday 12th June, a small team from Origin Legal attended the brilliantly organised 21st Birketts...
Aerial view of London and the River Thames
Commitment to the Community
Supporting our local community has always been at the heart of Origin Legal.  The team aspire to give...