Origin Legal’s Interview with Associate Emma McDonald, Town Legal LLP

Emma McDonald is an Associate with Town Legal LLP.  She joined in 2021 having trained and qualified with Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner. Emma advises a wide range of clients in respect of contentious and non-contentious planning matters.  I was fortunate to work with and place Emma with Town Legal last year.  She has kindly agreed to […]

Overview of Recruitment for Planning & Environment Lawyers Autumn 2020

Despite fears of a pandemic induced recession, the Planning Law sector has been relatively resilient throughout 2020.  The volume of vacancies dropped off understandably during March, April, and May as firms sought to consolidate, but since the summer the number of instructions for new roles has steadily increased as workflows have remained constant.  Compared to […]

Planning Recruitment update April 2020

To quote the late Douglas Adams “Don’t Panic”.  While recruitment in the planning sector has slowed down, due to the unprecedented times that we now find ourselves in, most recruitment processes are paused, not cancelled. The planning sector has demonstrated that it can be one of the most adaptable sectors in the legal profession, with […]

Planning law hires and transfers

The January transfer market 2019 was another busy year for moves in the planning sector.  It is always a challenging area to recruit into, with the main challenge being the small number of teams leading to fewer applicants for the available roles that are out there.  The result of this is that any moves within […]

Planning Pushes Ahead

King's Cross futuristic looking tunnel, London, UK

Planning your next step?  The latest insights into this constantly shifting sector Opportunities for planning lawyers continue to be good as law firms shake off the shock of Brexit.  Retention rates are high and as team sizes grow so does the need for junior level support.  This is backed up by a robust real estate […]

Planning Law Recruitment Update June 2015

Business Cards

Is the demand for talent set to continue? by Stuart Phillips In my last update in December I wrote about the elevated rise in demand for talent at all levels across the planning sphere and predicted that we may begin to see a “war for talent” as practices look to service an increased avidity from […]

Planning Law recruitment update Winter 2014/2015 by Stuart Phillips

Manchester Bullring

Recruitment into the Planning law sector has continued at an elevated level throughout 2014. Many firms are continuing to grow fuelled by increased confidence and optimism in the economy and the burgeoning real estate sector. The predicted race for talent acquisition has also encouraged more lawyers into the area which bodes well for the future. […]

Planning Law recruitment summer 2014 update by Stuart Phillips

Manchester Bullring

Planning Law Recruitment Update – June 2014 Is your move sustainable? The recruitment market for Planning Solicitors is booming again. After a number of years in the doldrums where large firms downsized their teams, and only the most passionate and committed juniors found a role, firms are now recruiting. In reality, there has been a […]

Planning Law Recruitment Update

Business Cards

Recruitment into the Legal Planning Sector continues to grow -Winter 2013 update Recruitment and investment into the legal planning sector has continued to grow steadily throughout 2013 and most practices seem to be optimistic about work flows going into 2014. A notable trend this year is that the demand for planning solicitors with good development […]