NQ: Stay calm and never give up…

It’s always useful to hear about other people’s path into law and here is Shibli Begum’s story about the trials and tribulations of pursuing a legal career and some of her tips to aspiring NQs looking for that first position: Why did you make the choice to go into law? As cliché as it may […]

“Is there a gender glass ceiling in London’s top law firms?”


Statistics suggest Magic Circle lagging behind when it comes to making female Solicitors up to Partner when compared to the rest of London and other areas of the UK Female lawyers in Magic Circle firms are half as likely to make Partner as their counterparts in the top twenty firms within the capital. According to […]

Planning Pushes Ahead

King's Cross futuristic looking tunnel, London, UK

Planning your next step?  The latest insights into this constantly shifting sector Opportunities for planning lawyers continue to be good as law firms shake off the shock of Brexit.  Retention rates are high and as team sizes grow so does the need for junior level support.  This is backed up by a robust real estate […]

Solicitors Qualifying in 2015 and 2016

2015 Regional Market for Newly Qualified Solicitors. Background The legal NQ recruitment market in the Midlands is changing and has been changing over the last 15 years. Historically if we look back to 2000-2005 the NQ market would not start gathering pace until June, July, August. Retention rates at law firms were high as was […]